Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Fighting Global Warming for $1 Day. . . and Still Live Comfortably

“Fight Global Warming for $1 a Day. . .and Still Live Comfortably,” was a great article written by Mike Tidwell in 2002.  He provides a detailed, informative example for those who live in North America on how they can individually take steps to combat global warming as reported by the United Nations report on climate change in 2001.  He was very passionate about this subject and methodically presented the information so that, if convinced, others could follow his lead in making their homes energy efficient by reducing the demand on electricity and natural gas. Mr. Tidwell supported his claim with perfect examples and also revealed sources of different organizations and companies that support home energy saving solutions.
Although this article was well written, it was printed during a time of false prosperity and in an era when it was attractive to acquire a home equity loan. Taking out a loan for $7,500 that will take 10 years to pay off is a deterrent to most Americans today. Unfortunately, with budget cuts to most government programs and charitable organizations’ experiencing stagnant growth or even suffering with the ability to sustain their existence, the article is outdated and thus loses some of its appeal to the average American. What if the homeowner lives in a Home Owner Association (HOA) community? His approach is not feasible when the  restrictions imposed by most HOAs are considered. Many citizens would find Tidwell’s methods interesting, but out of reach. It is possible that Mike Tidwell was overly excited and exaggerated his presentation to make the average American consider his methods of saving energy. 

Yet, there are simple alternatives that can result in savings and a reduction of individual energy footprints.  Reducing the number of heating/cooling units in operation, using ceiling fans, lighting with long-life, compact fluorescent light bulbs and recycling paper and plastic are a few ways to begin affordable participation in energy conservation and improving the environment. 

Tidwell is to be applauded for his conscientious efforts to fight global warming. He is dedicated to this cause and shares his experience warmly.  His article does bring awareness to a problem that will affect the future of the planet, and more importantly, our children and grandchildren.  Perhaps this article should inspire everyone to be more intentional about doing their part, no matter how large or small, to combat climate change.

1 comment:

  1. Simple trick to cut your electric bill by 75%:

    Want to know how to easily produce all of the green energy you could ever want right at home?

    And you’ll be able to make your home totally immune from power outages, blackouts, and energy grid failures
    so even if everyone else in your area (or even the whole country) loses power you won’t.

