Tuesday, October 25, 2011

In Praise of the "F" Word

In Praise of the "F" Word, written by Mary Sherry was a really good article published in Newsweek magazine in 1991. This article was intended to target teachers and the educational school system within the United States. It was a reflection of her observation of how this country has failed in providing adequate education our students. It was really sad to read that children do not try to excel in their studies and subsequently suffer as adults. In agreement with the tone of the article, teachers should not accept or adhere to the excuses of poor environment, such a nice kid so I won't fail them or students with potential doing enough to get by. Excuses should not be an option for the the teacher in deciding whether or not a students passes or fail. Students should be compelled or maybe incented to achieving good grades that translant into a successful, well-rounded education or suffer the consequence of failing the class. Teachers must rise up, show some back bone, develop better teaching techniques and care about the future of our educational system and the students. This country has too many generations upon generations of illiterate children who are not prepared to face life issues and the ability to obtain employment sufficient to sustain themselves. The students that Mary Sherry taught basic skills were woeful examples of what happens when students are not motivated to succeed.

No, students should not accept failure, teachers should not accept failure and our administrators should not accept failure; however, we should all face the truth and maybe the failing of some of these students will be the catalyst that propels them to ultimate success. There will always be that little nagging in the back of their minds, the BIG FAT F WORD!!!

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